Cecilia Salcedo
(1957 Guadalajara, Jal. México)
“The contact with nature’s forms led me to search inside myself and awoke an interest in creating poetic images capable of stirring deep feelings. To reduce the subject to its essence and find the most expressive point of view, from which the object can speak for itself.”
Cecilia has a degree in Communications Science from the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO) in Guadalajara, Jalisco. She did further specialized study in photography and art history. From 1997 to 2004 she was the director of the Centro Fotográfico Manuel Álvarez Bravo in Oaxaca, Mexico.
She has showed her work in some twenty group exhibitions in galleries throughout Mexico and seventeen individual exhibitions, including Ver con el alma, escribir con la mirada (See with the Soul, Write with the Look) in June 2017 to commemorate her thirty-five years as a photographer. That show spawned two others: Flores y semillas in the Centro Fotográfico Manuel Álvarez Bravo and Huajes in the Centro Cultural San Pablo in Oaxaca.
Her work has been acknowledged and has won grants and awards from the Culture and Arts Fund of the State of Oaxaca and that of Jalisco, as well as the National Culture and Arts Fund. She has been a judge in a number of photography contests, including the National Photography Biennial in Mexico. Her work is found in major collections such as those of the Centro Fotográfico Manuel Álvarez Bravo in Oaxaca, Instituto de Artes Gráficas de Oaxaca, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca, Fototeca Nacional de México, Museo de Arte de Zapopan, Fototeca de Jalisco, and La Fototeca in Bologna, Italy, and in private collections.